When an individual wants to start doing something and is hesitating, we never say that it is too late. That is because IT IS NEVER TOO LATE. If someone has been neglecting their daily prayers and wants to start committing to them, the first thing we do is to encourage them. The Most Merciful always gives us the chance to repent and start all over again. To keep standing up no matter how many times we fall. This is the same for all the mandatory acts within Islam. However, I wonder why we feel differently towards Hijab? Why are we so afraid to put it back on once we have removed it? Or what about those who are contemplating to later in life but are hesitant to do so? Why is it that deciding to wear Hijab at any point in life is more difficult than praying or fasting?

If you are a sister in this position, I want you to know that for Hijab – it is never too late Click here to read more : https://balancedbayt.com/wearing-hijab-is-never-too-late/

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