What is the role of a nurse? What are the extraordinary qualities of a nurse?

Nurse, a word full of meaning, a word that is a correct and accurate definition of friendship, generosity, sacrifice, and forgiveness. A nurse does not distinguish between night and day. As an angel, she appears at the bedside of the sick, stroking their head. A nurse spends her life on people. The moment of a patient’s release from a hospital is the sweetest moment in a nurse’s life. If her patient suffers, a nurse shares in the suffering. In certain situations, a nurse shows such benevolence toward her patient that the patient’s closest kin are not prepared to render such service.
A nurse’s occupation is not an ordinary one. Nursing is a sacred and valuable profession.

Wounds are not just physical. There are wounds that are deeper and invisible. At times, people may hurt us through unkind words and actions. At times, we are emotionally and mentally wounded. Whatever you are going through in life at this moment in time, just pause and think of Sayyida Zaynab. What was their crime that she and her sister Umm Kulthum together with Umm Rubab and others had to undergo?

Let us turn to Lady Zaynab pbuh for some healing.

She was human, she was also a mother, she had feelings, being a woman, one cannot fathom the kind of physical, mental and emotional trauma she went through and all the atrocities and turbulence in front of her life, she was still able to stand tall in the face of adversities. She didn’t break down when she was confronted by the enemies’ camp. She knew what her purpose in life was. She persevered, she didnt show up to become a victim, she displayed courage and become victorious.

Despite being made a captive and held in chains by the ruthless tyrant Yazid ibn Mu’awiyah, she rises like a thunderbolt through her powerful in her sermon in Shaam, she uses the words of Allah swt to break the enemies

“Let not the disbelievers suppose that the respite that We grant them is good for their souls: We give them respite only that they may increase in sin, and there is a humiliating punishment for them.” (Holy Quran Chapter 3: Verse 178)

We need to reflect upon this verse even today and find that every part of her life was an embodiment of God’s word.

When we are triggered, let us turn to Lady Zaynab s.a. and see how she dealt with the most horrific times, how she found herself immersed in Allah swt and her total reliance upon Him is truly admirable and worthy of emulation. She displayed proactive Sabr during her most difficult times. When we connect with her purity, she heals our broken souls through our own fitrah if we allow ourselves to feel her holy presence.

Sayyida Zaynab is bigger than her life. We find her an empath in every sense of the word. She is this beautiful embodiment of nursing humanity who is undergoing through all the contours of life struggles.

May we introduce this great woman of excellence and integrity to the world that knows nothing about her. We need to tap into her life and feel inspired and walk on her timeless seerah.

Our heartfelt condolences to you all on the sad demise of Ummul Masaaib Sayyida Zaynab (s.a)

Know her, feel her, aspire to be Zaynab like and inspire others!

Reflections written by
An ardent lover of Sayyida Zaynab (s.a.)

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