Markaz Misbahul Huda was started in the year 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya.

The core mission of our institution is to offer technical trainings, religious services and trainings, caregiver support and training as well as mental advocacy programs.

The whole of 2022 and 2023, we specialized on community outreach programs where we visited different communities and offered free basic caregiver training on how to care for the elderly, the sick and the disabled.

We also actively organized mental health programs on grief, suicide prevention and positive parenting.

We also successfully planned and organized teen mental health camps for different madrassa children to encourage self-awareness and creating a safe space for them to speak out.

This year in April, we managed to get a room where we conduct caregiver trainings as well as religious programs.

We have observed a growing need for people wanting one to one training as well as a madrassah for ladies especially those who have embraced Islam and are newly Muslims.

Alhamdulilah, so far it has been an amazing opportunity for us to engage the community, we have also created a safe space for women to access different short courses.

In the coming years, we will be open to partnership and sponsorship for our core programs.
The support will enable us to reach out to more communities, be able to train more women/girls from marginalized communities with skills that take a shorter time and those that can enable them to earn a halal living.

Currently we have very many inquiries from people out of Nairobi who wish to send their daughters to train with us, but we are unable to host them as the room we have isn’t able to offer accommodation for now.

We pray that with Allah’s grace one day we will be able to do so.

Our humble mission is in serving Allah and to serve the imam of our time Imam Al Mahdi (ATFS) through service to our beautiful humanity.

We welcome support of any kind, partnerships of any kind including prayers to make this noble work a success inshallah.

We are very grateful and blessed to have Lantern of Light Charity’s support towards our mission and their prayers have been so powerful.  us so much love and support.  If you would like to support our initiatives, please free to contact me. We would be more than happy to connect and create positive ripple effects.

With prayers & Kind regards,

Intifadha Bashir -Director Markaz Misbahul Huda

Please do take some time to view the photo gallery that encapsulates all the amazing activities.

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2 Replies to “Markaz Misbahul Huda Steering A Holistic Approach In Supporting Women’s Well-Being Through Their Caregiving & Training Services”

  1. Allah Swt bless you and your entire team for this excellent deed and give further and further tawfiq, success and accept Ilahi Ameen ya Raab

  2. Dear Sister Intifadha
    Salaamun alaykum wa Rahmatullah.
    Having met you last year in Nairobi, it is wonderful to see you heading this beautiful, worthwhile and much needed initiative. My prayers are with you and all the sisters working and studying with you. May you all be given the best of tawfik and barakah in dunya and akhirah insha Allah bi idhnillah swt.

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