The city of Kufa was draped in darkness, and cries echoed in the air as the news of the martyrdom of Ameer al Momineen (a) spread on 21 Ramadan. Companions, orphans of the city, poor, and loved ones encircled the house of Imam Ali (a), however, a cry of a man walking desperately towards the house caught everyone’s attention.

“Inna lillahe wa inna ilaihe rajeoon. Today the caliphate of the Holy Prophet (s) has been severed.’

The stranger called out as he reached the house. He stopped and said,

‘ O Abul Hassan (a), may Allah have mercy on you. You were the most prominent among the Muslims, the most sincere among them in belief, the most dominant among them in certainty, the most fearful among them with relation to the Almighty, the one who endured the most tremendous hardships, the nearest to the Holy Prophet (s),”

He continued an eloquent long eulogy, and in the end, said,

“Intense sufferings have grabbed us after you. The grief is excruciating. Your passing is momentous news in the skies. Anguish over your demise has devastated the people. To Allah do we belong and towards Him shall we return? We are satisfied with Allah’s Decree and we submit to Allah’s Affair. Then by Allah, the believers shall never be tormented with sorrow like your sorrow. You were a sheltering cave for the believers. May Allah unite you with His Prophet (s) and may He not withhold Your reward from us and may He not deviate us after you.’

People tried to reach out to this stranger, but could not find him. They were told that it was Prophet Khizer (a) who was lamenting over the martyrdom of his kind Master. Reference Amaali-e-Sadooq

Written by Zahra Ali Syed

Our heartfelt condolences to all Mo’mineen on the tragedies upon the pristine Holy household of Ahlulbayt a.s and the epic martial of Imam Ali a.s. in the best of states in sujood in Mihrab at Masjide Kufah.

May we all embody the beautiful traits from Mowla Ali a.s. and follow his seerah Ilahee Ameen Ya Rabb

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