Soul Transformational Journeys

Lady Fatimah Zahra S.A. Captions From The Sermon of Fadak

  1. Allah made faith (Iman) as a means to purify yourselves from polytheism, prayer (Salat) a means of freeing yourselves from arrogance, the poor-rate (Zakat) a means of cleansing the soul and increasing sustenance,
  2. Fasting (Siyam) a means of establishing sincerity, pilgrimage (Hajj) a means of upraising the religion, justice a means for maintaining harmony of the hearts,
  3. Obedience to us (the Ahl al-Bayt) a means of maintaining order in the community, our leadership (Imamah) as a security from disunity, holy struggle (Jihad) as a glory for Islam, patience as an aid in making one deserving of recompense,
  4. Enjoining good (amr bil-maʿruf) as a reformation for the masses, honouring parents a means of protection from [divine] wrath,
  5. Keeping ties with family a means of increasing your numbers, sanctioned retaliation (Qisas) a means of preventing bloodshed, fulfilling promises a means of earning forgiveness,
  6. Honesty in weighing and measurement a means of avoiding diminution, forbidding the drinking of wine a means of becoming free of filth, eschewing defamation as a screen against imprecation and shunning theft a means of maintaining virtue
  7. Please do pause and reflect on her timeless words and share this luminous pearls with others.

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