The obligation of Hijab has many reasons behind it. Most people focus on the physical and social reasons behind it. While those are true, there are also profound spiritual and metaphysical meanings behind the Hijab.

Hijab is an act of servitude to God. It is an act of observance by one who understands the responsibility and accountability of fulfilling God’s laws. Rather than submit to the self and desires of the ego, a believer submits to the Creator.

Adopting the Hijab stems from God consciousness. It is like a robe that covers the believer, influencing physical, mental and emotional behaviour. In the Quran Allah likens Taqwa to the best of clothing – ‘And the dress of Taqwa, that is the best’ (7:26). Wearing the Hijab does not signify nervousness, wanting to hide, being afraid of someone, or not having confidence. It is not shyness as understood in the social context today. It comes from knowing that God is watching, from feeling ashamed to displease Him and going against His principles. It is a shrinking of the soul from indecent behaviour. That type of modesty is a badge of honour as it declares human servitude before God.

Islamic spirituality is based on equilibrium of the soul, found through legislation of legal, ethical, and spiritual and ethical principles. This equilibrium nurtures the potential of the human soul for perfection. To make it possible, Islam has set up a social order in which the genders are complementary rather than contesting. This social order may not appeal to everyone, but it will create the maximum amount of equilibrium.

There is also an esoteric principle behind the obligation of Hijab. The Divine nature is represented in the microcosmic level as the masculine and feminine principles and on the human level as male and female. Almighty Allah has al-Asmaa al-Husna, perfect names which are comprised of Beauty and Majesty (Jamal and Jalal). Both the male and the female are seen as two creatures of God, each manifesting certain aspects of His names and qualities. Seyyed Hossein Nasr in his article ‘The Male and Female Perspective in Islam’ says that the Absoluteness and Majesty of the Almighty is manifested most directly in the masculine state and His Infinity and Beauty in the feminine state.

Therefore, a woman, by nature, manifests the beautiful qualities of Allah. In order to achieve a perfect balance, the Jamal (beauty) of the woman is complemented with the Jalal (majesty) of the hijab, a clothing of dignity for protecting the beauty within her. Islamic spirituality mandates certain social etiquette, ways of dressing, and other practices to create the balance of qualities in the genders.

In a world that is so far removed from the essence of esoteric realities, the concept of women wearing the hijab and men not being mandated to cover is just taken at face value, the physical body is all that is considered. That is the limitation of the modern man. The separation of the human from God and heedlessness has created exteriorization, where things are seen only in the external form. The inner soul and essence of the human being is overlooked. Islamic rules, the Hijab included, address the true reality of the human being and serve to help fulfil the true purpose of life on earth.

Article written by
Sis Tahera Kassamali

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