We often rely on people to make us happy. We are thus dependant on beings who can let us down. Or we may believe that circumstances, or things, can make us happy. But we quickly realize that the fleeting happiness or pleasure that we may receive from them does not reach the depths of our core. It is not satisfying. We make ourselves vulnerable to disappointment and resentment.

We need a source of happiness that will be sufficient and lasting. Where can we find that source?

Lady Fatima al-Zahra (a) talks about it in her supplication after Dhuhr prayers;

O my Lord, there is no one other than You that
pleases my heart
satisfies my soul
delights my eye
makes my face beam with joy
my complexion shine
my heart feel safe
and all my body rejoice
(From: The Life of Fatimah al-Zahra, by Baqir Sharif al-Qurashi)

From God, and through God, we derive a happiness that is not fleeting. It runs through every vein of the body and is manifested in the symptoms above. It is the only happiness that really counts.

Sis Tahera Kassamali

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