Heartfelt testimonial for the unique services we provide & a safe voice at Lantern of Light Charity

Over the last 3 years, Lantern of Light has helped supported many beautiful souls who have been struggling financially, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We have helped sisters who had given up on life.

Our Wonderful Storylines

Since its inception in 2020, during the most difficult times in covid, my life has changed since I came to know about the soul sisters support hub and soulful networking. I became part of their learning and in that their monthly podcasts on how to revive our faith and love God. I found Lantern of Light as a breath of fresh air. For the first time ever,  I felt God’s love and could breathe.  In a gloomy world that constantly judges us, here I found that taboo topics such as depression, anxiety and mental health wellbeing were being discussed in an organic way, unlocking our faith through Du’a and spiritual mentoring and listening through empathy and having a non-judgmental approach has helped me grow inwardly and in understanding my own complex circumstances that I go through life and not being able to grow through life, this beautiful charity has enabled me to rise above the  turbulences in my very difficult days and my daily struggles. I felt like I could connect back to my authentic self and to Allah swt.

For more than 2 years now, the amazing team of faith & mental Health professionals who have gone an extra mile to help me come out of the dark holes and seeing life a bit more hopeful with flickers of God’s light especially when I was feeling like giving up during the lockdown, one of the faith mentors bless her, has been by my side. I was on the phone with her each week and was able to cry to her and be myself. There were days when I couldn’t come out of bed especially when I was emotionally,  and mentally sinking, I was able to speak to one of the faith mentors who was a safe voice and how I was battling in my marriage and being constantly labelled as not a good mum to my children. Not only that, but I was also not able to walk my faith, and how anxiously I felt approaching my daily prayers and knowing that I was not a good enough Muslimah, and I was not being able to connect to God. The authentic part of myself was completely numbed. Since listening to raw and real conversations on the Lantern of Light platform, listening to a series of podcasts and attending cohort workshops, it has had a huge impact and a beacon of hope and light and it still remains so and forever I’m indebted.

Being broken, and living in a stormy ocean, Lantern of Light provides me opportunities to grow within and the daily spiritual and reflective posts are a lighthouse to becoming the very best version of myself and to reach to a safer shore. “

Help us to help you

We are working on some amazing productions and research works that would help nurture families

Please donate generously towards our local and global community building,  thriving in our mental health wellbeing and faith mentoring support, our ongoing signature courses, and online programs.  

No amount is too small in giving a life to those who have lost hope in life.

Lantern of Light
Unity Trust Bank Sort code- 60-83-01
Account number – 20484923 or you may donate on the link provided here:

Let us transform lives together!


May Allah swt bless you all infinitely. ❤️

Thank you to all the beautiful souls who have been our support and generously donated to our beautiful vision.

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